Company News

Our ESG Policy & How it Supports Our Vision

Hopewell Residential is dedicated to creating beloved living spaces while integrating thoughtful Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices into all aspects of their development and operations, ensuring a lasting positive impact on homeowners, communities, and stakeholders.

At Hopewell Residential, our vision is to create the spaces and places where people love to live. Alongside our core values, this vision ensures we are thoughtful in our actions that ultimately impact our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies and plans. Proactively created to help responsibly guide our work, our ESG practices permeate through everything we develop and create becoming part of our legacy.

With a robust ESG Policy in place, Hopewell Residential is focused on a future of Environmental, Social and Governance excellence always striving to meet the needs of our homeowners, residents, employees, partners and stakeholders, both now and into the future.

To see our full ESG Policy, click here.

Key considerations of our ESG Policy include:

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Our designers and planners are committed to reducing waste, supporting biodiversity and minimizing our carbon footprint. We are leaders in Alberta working with other real estate experts and industry committees toward a future that is clean, green and renewable. As an Energuide builder, we are continually building on our included and optional home features to support this goal, and as a responsible community developer, we place priority on smart development that always includes natural greenspaces and wetlands.

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Since Hopewell Residential began more than 30 years ago, we have prioritized relationships. Internally, we support employees with strong human resource polices and an award-winning culture, having been a Canada's Best Managed Company winner since 2016, and a Canada's Best Managed Companies Platinum Club Member since 2023. Diverse, multi-faceted and well-supported, our team is truly what brings our vision to life. Beyond this, our external stakeholders count on Hopewell Residential to make the investments necessary to ensure our homes and communities are healthy and vibrant.

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Governance Image

At Hopewell Residential we have a solid governance foundation. We conduct our business with the utmost ethical standards striving for mutually beneficial results in every business transaction. Our ESG policy outlines where we are today, along with our plans for the future of ESG for Hopewell Residential. It is an ever-evolving initiative that will ensure that Hopewell continues to live up to our corporate vision creating the spaces and places where people love to live.

Have questions, or interested in applying for a job at Hopewell? Email us at or click here to view our job postings.

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